Monday, August 4, 2014

New York City July 25 - 27 Wicked

This trip was arranged because of my daughter's 40th birthday.  We flew via Delta to JFK airport and took a cab to Hotel St James on 45th street, which was under reconstruction I guess.  The people there were friendly, the room was clean and the bed was comfortable and that's all I'm going to say about that.

We couldn't check in right away so we went to O'Conelly's Irish pub and had lunch.

Irish smoked salmon salad.  This was amazingly delicious!!!!

As the weather was nice, we took the subway, or the E train (I think), to the World Trade Center.  We came UP right in front of St Paul's Chapel which was just one block from the towers when they fell and had very little damage.  As you can see by the pictures this cemetery is very old.

And below is a link to the history of this site and the 911 aftermath.

The new One World Trade Center tower, aka Freedom Tower, was visible from St Paul's Chapel.

the lower portion, all is not finished yet.

Next we visited the 911 Museum that recently opened.  The site is amazing and my pictures can't do it justice.  We could take pictures in the forefront of the museum but not inside where they covered all the disturbing details of that day.

My ticket bought on line, see link below.

One of the towers cornerstones.

Add caption

The two water memorials outside has everyone's name.

When in New York, do as the New Yorker's do, have pizza.  Bella Vita Pizzeria on W 43rd street was just the thing!!!

Saturday was overcast and threats of rain.  Took subway down to 23rd Street (some pictures of the subway tiles.  These are all over the New York Subways, very cool),

Came up from the subway and we were here......

a hugh complex of small restaurants, eateries and food shops.  A lot of food eye candy!!!!!

Speaking of eye candy, this is not really what we found in Times Square.  Because of your hotel location, we had to cross paths with it multiple times in three days.  

The day before Spider man got arrested!!!

                 Well, this might be considered "Eye Candy".

In New York you are allowed use paint for clothing if you are part of a "Show".

Back to Saturday, we headed for the 'High Line', which is an old raised railroad track that was going to demolished but is was saved and made in to a park more than a mile long.

The Line lead us to Chelsea Market where we had lunch.

Next we took a cab to Canal Street and China town....notice the Chinese cabbie reading a Chinese newspaper

Just thought it was coincidental that we were going to China Town and we got in a cab with this guy.

                             Scenes from China Town

Saturday night was a fab meal at Bobby Van's steak house, very expensive but worth every penny.

Melt in your mouth steak

Crab Cakes

Then on to Broadway!!!!!  Wicked!!!! The reason we came.......

Our view of the stage.  No pictures during the show.

Sunday was going home day but first instead of mother/daughter tattoos we decided for mother/daughter sunglasses.

Cab to 5th avenue and 89th street Guggenheim museum and Central Park

The Rotunda
                            In and around Central Park...........

Dog fountain

And a trip to Manhattan wouldn't be complete without a piece of Junior's Cheesecake.

Whew!!!! I need a vacation.

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